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4 Reasons Why Obesity Is Not Always a Choice

4 Reasons Why Obesity Is Not Always a Choice

Around 30% of the population in the United States is considered obese. Obesity is usually associated with poor diet and inactivity, but the fact is, it’s not as simple as that. There’s many factors that can greatly increase your risk of obesity, including genetics and environmental factors.

At Clover Internal Medicine Associates, we understand that obesity is a complex health issue, and it’s not always a choice. Our team goes over four reasons why obesity may not be according to your choices.

1. You can’t change genetics

Studies have shown that your genetics can put you at greater risk for obesity. If your parents and grandparents are overweight, the odds are high that you will also carry some extra weight. While genetics aren’t always the primary cause of obesity, it does play a role.

2. Medications can be at fault

There’s many medical conditions that require prescription drugs. And unfortunately, the side effect of many of these medications is weight gain. Prescriptions for certain diabetes medications, antipsychotics, and antidepressants can all slow down your metabolism, increase your appetite, and cause your body to store more fat. All of these factors can make it difficult to manage your weight.

3. Influential hormones

Overeating isn’t caused by a lack of willpower, but rather an imbalance of hormones. There’s three hormones that control your feeling of hunger: leptin, insulin, and ghrelin. When any of these hormones are out of balance, it can cause you to feel hungry even when your body doesn’t need any additional energy.

4. Poor nutrition education

Despite the importance of good nutrition, there’s often not enough education available on what that good nutrition looks like in your daily life. Reliable information about junk food addiction, along with the fact that even “healthy” foods you buy from the grocery store can be packed with highly processed ingredients, can be hard to find — making it easy to have poor eating habits without even realizing it.

Even though obesity can be tough to overcome and many factors can be working against you, it’s still an issue that poses some serious health risks. 

If you find yourself struggling to lose weight, our team at Clover Internal Medicine Associates can help come up with a weight management plan that caters to your needs and goals.

To learn more about how to manage obesity, contact our office located in Fort Worth, Texas by giving us a call or by scheduling an appointment online with us today.

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