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 5 Invaluable Health Benefits of Having an Annual Physical Exam

 5 Invaluable Health Benefits of Having an Annual Physical Exam

Most of us would agree that it’s much better (and easier) to treat a disease before it’s had time to develop and cause myriads of other health issues. This is why checking in with your primary care physician every year during your annual physical is so important.

Elaine Phuah, DO, MBA, FACOI, Leon Tio, DO, MA, FACOI, and the rest of our team at Clover Internal Medicine Associates in Fort Worth, Texas offer yearly physical exams — also referred to as well visits — for your health and well-being.

In this blog, we discuss why annual physical exams are so important and what to expect during your yearly visits with us.

How a physical exam can benefit your health

The main focus of annual physical exams is prevention. When you come in annually, our team is able to assess your overall health and screen for diseases or illnesses that are best caught early.

These are key reasons why you should make yearly trips to our office a major priority:

  1. Monitor chronic health conditions and make any necessary changes to your care plan
  2. Screen for diseases that have better outcomes when caught early
  3. Stay updated on vaccinations
  4. Maintain a good relationship with our team should any health issues come up later 
  5. Learn more information on how to live a healthy life

Doing this on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

What to expect during your physical exam

While no two physical exams are the same for everyone, we do always start each and every annual visit with the basics. We ask you about how your health has been since we last saw you and also review your health conditions and medical history in order to make any necessary updates.

We then move on to checking on your health through these various exams and screenings:

In addition, gender-specific testing such as Pap smears and breast exams for women and prostate cancer screenings for men may also be included.

We can also discuss any medication refills you might need or just answer any general questions you might have about your health.

Scheduling your next physical exam

If it’s been awhile since your last physical exam, we highly recommend scheduling one as soon as you can. To set up an appointment with us, give us a call at 682-708-0982 or use our online booking tool today.

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